วันพุธที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Racz Catheter Treatment For Your Severe Back Pain by Franklin Simanjuntak

Needless to say, if you happen to be having severe back pain you need to treat the condition as gently and fast as possible. For patients of severe back pain, it is the fact that there is a pressing need to consult a professional regarding the most appropriate treatment method. There many different severe back pain treatment methods. Among them there is one that stands out from the rest, known as Racz-catheter procedure.
Is Racz Catheter Right For You?
The Racz Catheter could be a good treatment option for your severe back pain. It makes use of local anesthesia and a catheter which is inserted into the skin and into the patient's spinal column until it touches the nerve root where pain is most severe. To aid the doctor in reaching this nerve root use, X-rays are made. Once the desired position is reached the catheter injects specially formulated solutions at the focal point of the painful area.
When the solution acts it helps in dissolving scarred tissues and the swelling of tissue as well as any general inflammation begins to disappear. The end result is relief from the excruciating pain. It is often also necessary to leave the catheter in place for three days during which time repeated applications are given, after which the catheter is withdrawn and the patient will not need any further applications.
This should give you a big picture of a treatment using Racz Catheter method. Obviously, you will need one-week rest to have this treatment. Also, you will need to tolerate having catheter stick into your body. If you think you cannot provide time as well as tolerance, then you will need to find another alternative treatment. More about that later.
How Long Is Long Enough?
It is also necessary to learn just how long the treatment for severe back pain should last and when will it become necessary to consider having surgery done. Moreover, you need to also establish which procedure is best for you and when stay with more minimal treatments.
There is also need for you to understand that there is an urgent need to stop the severe back pain from worsening and to also make sure that things remain under control. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon or orthopedic specialist to determine the right action for you.
Closing Words
In case you are looking for back pain treatment you will need to consult a doctor who will study your case and diagnose the condition after which a suitable treatment will be prescribed. But also bear in mind that sometimes the best treatment for severe back pain is one that is interdisciplinary and which allows experts from different specialties to recommend suitable solutions and to also implement and coordinate between different treatment options. That makes consulting a few experts could be the right moves for you.
For your information, other than Racz Catheter, some treatment options worth considering for severe back pain include use of lasers, micro-lasers and electro-thermal therapy.
About the Author
Discover how you can coup with your back pain at Back Pain Information
