วันเสาร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How Drinking Wine Can Lead To Optimum Health by Edward Johnson

Researchers report that a natural substance found in red wine, known as resveratrol, may offset the bad effects of a high-calorie diet.
Their report implies that very large daily doses of resveratrol could offset the unhealthy, high-calorie diet thought to underlie the rising toll of obesity in the United States and elsewhere.
Resveratrol is found in the skin of grapes and in red wine and is conjectured to be a partial explanation for the French paradox, the puzzling fact that people in France enjoy a high-fat diet yet suffer less heart disease than Americans.
Scientists have long known that a moderate intake of alcohol, and red wine in particular, is associated with a lowered risk of heart disease and other benefits. More recently, scientists began to suspect resveratrol had particularly powerful effects and began investigating its role in lifespan.
Information about resveratrol's effects on human metabolism should be available a year or so. Therefore, having another glass of pinot noir is has far as it should be taken right now.
Researchers also said that people should wait for the results of safety testing. Substances that are safe and beneficial in small doses, like vitamins, sometimes prove to be harmful when taken in high doses.
Many companies sell the substance, along with claims that their rivals' preparations are inactive. One such company sells an extract of red wine and knotweed that contains an unspecified amount of resveratrol. But each capsule is equivalent to "5 to 15 5-ounce glasses of the best red wine," the company's web site asserts.
Other companies have developed several chemicals intended to mimic the role of resveratrol but at much lower doses. One has begun clinical trials of one of these compounds, an improved version of resveratrol, with the aim of seeing if it helps control glucose levels in people with diabetes.
Behind the resveratrol test is a considerable degree of scientific theory, some of it well established and some yet to be proved.
Super Ways That Super Foods Can Bring Super Health
About the Author
Edward is a native of the great city of New Orleans, LA. His major interest is in writing and purues that passion through a variety of expressions. It is hoped that the reader will gain something from the conveyance of knowledge and emotion.

How to find the perfect cookie recipes? by Sumit.Sharma

Many of us have an inner baker inside us that loves to find new cookie recipes to try. But, where do you find new, tried and true, cookie recipes that your family will love? People are always looking for the newest versions of their favorite recipes to broaden their dinner choices. New crockpot recipes, new chicken recipes, even new fondue recipes are all searched for by those needing something a little different. Let's face it, we all want something different from time to time, right? There are many places to find free recipes for any of your needs. Going to the local library and obtaining a membership (most of the time this is free as well) is one way to do some research.
They have many titles of books to choose from and many different types of cooking as well. You may be able to find "How to" books and books on different diet plans as well. Or you can also search for free recipes online on your favorite cookie recipes website. Don't have one? Use your search engine and type in "recipes". Many sites will appear for the choosing. Browse those sties until you find what you are looking for. Should a site require payment, chose a different site. There are many that do not and chances are good that you will find the recipe you are looking for without having to pay for it. So, that's where to find the recipes, but, what are we looking for?
Many of us have a few recipes that are our favorites, ones we make year in and year out. Our family loves them! Its also good to add new recipes to our collections. And it’s easy to do. You know what your family already likes, so looking for something with similar ingredients may be a hit with them as well. Or, maybe you are planning on spending some time with the kids and thought making some fun cookie recipes would be great. Children love cut out cookies, or cookies that require cookie cutters. These can then be decorated with icing, sugar candies, or sprinkles of their choice. Artistic or not, they will create colorful, fun cookies that are sure to be a hit! Could you be looking for a fancy cookie for a special dinner party? Although these may require special ingredients or a little extra talent, they can be found and made from scratch as well.
One of the most frequently searched for cookie recipes are Christmas cookie recipes. Not only do many of us enjoy baking cookies for our family, but we also love giving tins of cookies as gifts to neighbors and friends. Adding new cookie recipes to our collection will spark any Christmas celebration! Once you find the cookie recipe you want, make sure to follow the directions carefully. Invest in a cooking how to book to teach you how to measure ingredients and what tools you will need and even how to use these tools.
Following step by step instructions is the key to making a good cookie. Use good quality ingredients and watch out for expiration dates. Many times we will only need a small quantity of an ingredient and let the rest sit on our pantry shelf. Make sure that, in this case, items are tightly closed and sealed properly. When it is time to use again, make sure it is still within its expiration date. Following good techniques will surely help you to create beautiful, tasty cookies every time!
About the Author
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วันพุธที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Racz Catheter Treatment For Your Severe Back Pain by Franklin Simanjuntak

Needless to say, if you happen to be having severe back pain you need to treat the condition as gently and fast as possible. For patients of severe back pain, it is the fact that there is a pressing need to consult a professional regarding the most appropriate treatment method. There many different severe back pain treatment methods. Among them there is one that stands out from the rest, known as Racz-catheter procedure.
Is Racz Catheter Right For You?
The Racz Catheter could be a good treatment option for your severe back pain. It makes use of local anesthesia and a catheter which is inserted into the skin and into the patient's spinal column until it touches the nerve root where pain is most severe. To aid the doctor in reaching this nerve root use, X-rays are made. Once the desired position is reached the catheter injects specially formulated solutions at the focal point of the painful area.
When the solution acts it helps in dissolving scarred tissues and the swelling of tissue as well as any general inflammation begins to disappear. The end result is relief from the excruciating pain. It is often also necessary to leave the catheter in place for three days during which time repeated applications are given, after which the catheter is withdrawn and the patient will not need any further applications.
This should give you a big picture of a treatment using Racz Catheter method. Obviously, you will need one-week rest to have this treatment. Also, you will need to tolerate having catheter stick into your body. If you think you cannot provide time as well as tolerance, then you will need to find another alternative treatment. More about that later.
How Long Is Long Enough?
It is also necessary to learn just how long the treatment for severe back pain should last and when will it become necessary to consider having surgery done. Moreover, you need to also establish which procedure is best for you and when stay with more minimal treatments.
There is also need for you to understand that there is an urgent need to stop the severe back pain from worsening and to also make sure that things remain under control. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon or orthopedic specialist to determine the right action for you.
Closing Words
In case you are looking for back pain treatment you will need to consult a doctor who will study your case and diagnose the condition after which a suitable treatment will be prescribed. But also bear in mind that sometimes the best treatment for severe back pain is one that is interdisciplinary and which allows experts from different specialties to recommend suitable solutions and to also implement and coordinate between different treatment options. That makes consulting a few experts could be the right moves for you.
For your information, other than Racz Catheter, some treatment options worth considering for severe back pain include use of lasers, micro-lasers and electro-thermal therapy.
About the Author
Discover how you can coup with your back pain at Back Pain Information

Espresso Basics by James Grierson

This is the basic technique to brewing espresso. Once you have mastered this you can then start to experiment and find your very own 'Espresso Nirvarna'
Use filtered water in your espresso machine. Water from the tap may contain particulates (such as dirt, sediment and rust) that can affect the taste, texture and aroma of espresso. Particulated water also causes added wear on parts; and can clog solenoids, valves and groupheads.
You should aim to complete all these steps as quickly as possible, but it is important not to rush any stage, particularly the tamp.
1. Fill the water tank of your espresso machine with filter water, attach the portafilter (empty at this stage) and turn on the machine. Wait for the machine to warm up.
2. Switch on the espresso function (pump) and allow hot water to pour out the portafilter for between 10-20 seconds. This will ensure that the grouphead and portafilter are hot. A small variation in temperature can make the difference between a great espresso and a passable one, so it is very important to ensure that the water inside your espresso machine is at a constant temperature.
3. Remove the portafilter and quickly wipe dry with a soft clean cloth.
4. Grind you coffee beans and dispense 7 grams of grounds (14 grams for a double shot) into the portafilter basket. Level the grounds by gentle knocking the portafilter against the palm of your hand a couple of times.
5.Use a coffee tamper to press down the coffee grounds into the portafilter basket to form a tight puck. You should apply 30lbs/13.6kgs of downwards force to avoid the 'channelling'. Before you remove your tamper, twist it round to leave the puck with a polished surface. The concept behind tamping: is to ensure that the grounds are evenly distributed in the basket; and that there are no tiny air pockets. The tamp is very important as water always seeks the path of least resistance; so if you tamp light or not at all, the water will find the areas where there is least grounds and channel through them. The resulting espresso will be thinner and taste under-extracted. To work out exactly how much pressure to exert, practice pushing down your tamper on the bathroom scales till you reach the 30lb mark.
6. Attach the portafilter back onto the machine and switch on the pump. Ideally, it should take between 25-30 seconds to produce a 1.25oz/35ml shot (or 2.5oz/70ml for a double shot). If it takes longer than 30 seconds, adjust your grinder to a slightly coarser setting; and if it takes less than 25 seconds, adjust your grinder to a slight finer setting. It will take several attempts with a new grinder to get it dialled exactly right for your espresso machine.
N.B. The level of moisture in the coffee grounds affects the flow-rate of espresso, as the higher the moisture content the tighter the grounds will pack. As different espresso blends contain different levels of moisture you will need to adjust the settings on your grinder accordingly. Also as coffee is hydroscopic (it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere) it is therefore, a good idea to regularly monitor the flow-rate of espresso, even if using the same blend, as changes in humidity may need to be compensated by altering the grind slightly.
About the Author
James Grierson is the owner of Galla Coffee: http://www.gallacoffee.co.uk/ - UK online retailer of designer coffee accessories. Through the Coffee Knowledge section of his website he aims to help people understand more about coffee and give them tips on how to make great tasting coffee in their home.
Check out http://www.gallacoffee.co.uk/acatalog/Coffee_Knowledge.html for more articles.

Terrell Owens Workout Program - Discover His Shortcut Secrets by Robert Deangelo

Terrell Owens Workout Program
Have you seen the cover Of Muscle and Fitness magazine lately?
At 6' 3" and 223 pounds, T.O. Owens is tall, lean, and built for speed. His fitness and bodybuilding program is tailored to create a body built specifically for performing as a wide receiver - strength to withstand blockers, speed to get to the end zone, and agility to weave his way to the goal line.
Although many people assume that Terrell lives in the gym weightlifting, that is just not the case. In 2005, Terrell began using a strength training tool that increased his speed and power far more than free weights ever did. That tool was elastic resistance bands.
Well now Terrell Owens, now of the Dallas Cowboys, is featured on the cover Of Muscle and Fitness in all his physical glory. What is the workout of this NFL Super Star? Well here it is:
Terrell Owens Workout
Terrell Owens follows a split workout routine that you can find in any muscle and fitness mag.
Monday - Shoulders/tries/calves on
Tuesday- Hamstrings and back
Wednesday- Quads/biceps/chest
On the following two days he'll do supplemental exercises that he feels he needs. "I may do triceps press downs, the same as on Monday.” After that it is all pretty much up in the air. "Typically, I may come in and do some ab work. He stated.
Terrell Owens workout program uses resistance bands for most of its training, especially for his speed and core training. I have always been a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use, easy on the joints, versatile, and can be taken anywhere. Terrell also uses them to maintain his strength during football season. He works out between 2 -3 times per week during the season.
Terrell has recently joined forces with Bodylastics and created his own set of resistance bands called, The Bodylastics Terrell Owens Super Strongman Edition.
Terrell Owens Workout Program bands are quite unique offering 140 health club type exercises, a lifetime warranty and Terrell Owens Super Strong Man Edition comes with enough resistance to create tension equal to a pair of 5 lbs dumbbells all the way up to a pair of 127 dumbbells!
More than enough resistance for your bodybuilding workouts.
Final Thoughts:
Make sure that the resistance bands you use are from a good quality manufacturer. Bands that are of poor quality... similar to plain old "rubber bands" lose their elasticity over time.
To see pictures, video of some of the exercises that Terrell Owens uses and to learn more about the best resistance bands exercises and free workout programs. Please click here Terrell Owens Workout Program Click to http://www.build-muscle-guide.com/ for complete information, reviews, tips and more. Do this and I guarantee your success.
About the Author
Robert Deangelo has written hundreds of articles on isometrics, building muscle, how to get 6 pack abs and much more. He now offers information, articles, news, tools and valuable resources. Click to http://www.build-muscle-guide.com/ for a free muscle building guide.

Frequent Meals and Cutting Sugar Are Keys to Diet Success by Daniel Millions

Most people consider the word "diet" to be taboo. A word that shouldn't be spoken at all, or briefly mentioned and forgotten. However, for any man or woman looking to improve their physical appearance, fitness, or performance, a well-balanced goal focused at a specific goals can greatly improve a body's health and wellness.
Diet isn't about starvation; it's about improving the life you live on a daily basis. In fact, it's possible for you to eat more food than you are now, and still lose wait. Yes, that's correct! Eat more food, yet lose weight. There are several key components that need to be addressed. The main variables are which foods you eat, how much you eat, and what time it's eaten. All three play an important role, so it's necessary that you understand them in order to make improvements to your diet in a safe and efficient manner.
There aren't a whole lot of bodybuilders or supermodels eating cake, candy, or coke, at least during model season. Sugar is the biggest culprit when it comes to controlling weight and body fat. If one of your lunch habits is to drink a bottle or can of soda, it's possible to lose several pounds a year by just replacing the sugary drink with a glass of water.
Treat yourself to good food. Eating healthy food doesn't need to be depriving. The staples of a healthy diet fruit, vegetables, meats, whole grains, and nuts can be as delicious as junk food if you take the time to prepare them creatively. Watch out for foods that are deceiving. Some foods may appear healthy, sound healthy, or boast claims such as "low fat" or "lean". Forget the misconception that fat is the enemy. Recent studies have shown that high-fat diets, around 40% of daily caloric intake, is effective at fat loss. You still need to watch out for trans fat and hydrogenated fats, but sugar is the main culprit to a healthy diet.
How much food you eat is dependent on your personal goal. It's better to eat several "small" meals, rather than a couple large meals. A general rule of thumb for individuals looking to lose weight is eat whenever you are hungry, but only until you aren't hungry anymore. Don't stuff yourself like you are sitting in front of a Thanksgiving feast, but don't deprive yourself either. Stick with whatever amount keeps your optimism high and gives you results at a healthy pace.
If your goal is to gain weight, it's just as important to be eating every two to four hours. However, the quantity needs to be much greater. Your body may only need 2500 calories now, but if you want to eat like a 250-pound football player, it's necessary that you start eating like one.
One area of nutrition that is often overlooked is the time when foods are eaten. Carbohydrates, especially sugars like fruit and soda, should only be eaten in the morning or immediately after a workout for optimal results. Whenever sugars are sent into the blood stream, insulin is released as well, which puts the body into a "fat-absorbing" mode. Definitely not what you're after! Fatty and protein-heavy foods can be eaten at almost any time, but once again, sugar should be kept under close control.
Nutrition doesn't have to be complex. Eat every couple hours, eat a moderate portion of protein with every meal, and minimize your sugars. Diet is an intimidating word, but once you find what works best for you personally, the results are extremely rewarding.
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